
segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011

Ilhas Cook - 5 Dollars "Old Masters of Europe" Jan Matejko

Ano: 2009
Valor facial: 5 Dollar
Diâmetro: 30x38 mm
Metal: Prata (.925)
Qualidade: Proof (inc. perola)
Peso: 25gr.
Tiragem: 5000 pçs

Cook Islands issued this special coin with an authentic pearl inlaid. Jan Matejko, the most popular creator of romantic visions of Polish history, declared, "Art is a weapon of sorts; one ought not to separate art from the love of one's homeland." This beautiful coin is the second of the series "Old Masters of Europe" and is dedicated to his masterpiece, featured by a real inlaid pearl. The coin obverse depicts his famous painting Wernyhora, with a pearl representing the sun. The reverse depicts Queen Elizabeth II’s profile. Jan Matejko was born in 1838, in Kraków. He was a Polish painter known for paintings of notable historical Polish political and military events. His most famous works include oil on canvas paintings of numerous battles and court scenes, and a gallery of Polish kings. He is counted among the most famous Polish painters. Almost everyone in Poland is, in a sense, brought up on Matejko's large historical paintings. Disseminated in thousands of reproductions, they have for generations, helped the young and some not so young visualize salient events in the history of the nation. To understand the genesis of such historical paintings it should be recalled that at the time in the 19th century when Matejko created these canvases, the Polish lands were partitioned between Russia and Prussia, which morphed into Germany and Austria. In the lands occupied by Russia and Germany, strenuous efforts were made by the occupying powers to stamp out Polish culture. The use of the Polish language was forbidden in schools and to hinder transmission of knowledge about the country's proud history, censorship existed that effectively banned publication of textbooks and the like that dealt with the subject. In these circumstances, historical paintings which could be used as a way of transmitting such knowledge assumed an importance and relevance otherwise seldom accorded to them. Matejko, a fervent Polish patriot, devoted much of his talent to this cause.

Ilhas Cook - 5 Dollars "Old Masters of Europe" Johannes Vermeer

Ano: 2009
Valor facial: 5 Dollar
Diâmetro: 30x38 mm
Metal: Prata (.925)
Qualidade: Proof (inc. perola)
Peso: 25gr.
Tiragem: 5000 pçs

The Cook Islands issued this special coin with an authentic inlaid pearl. Johannes Vermeer was a Dutch Baroque painter who specialized in exquisite, domestic interior scenes of ordinary life. Vermeer worked slowly and with great care, using bright colors, sometimes expensive pigments, with a preference for cornflower blue and yellow. He is particularly renowned for his masterly treatment and use of light in his work. This beautiful coin is the first of the series "Old Masters of Europe" and is dedicated to his masterpiece. The obverse depicts Queen Elizabeth II’s profile. The painting “Girl with a Pearl Earring” (Dutch: Het Meisje met de Parel) is one of Vermeer's masterpieces and as the name implies, uses a pearl earring for a focal point. The painting is currently housed at The Mauritshuis in The Hague. It is sometimes referred to as "the Dutch Mona Lisa.”

sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011

Eslovénia - 3€ 20º Aniversário da Independência da Eslovénia

Ano: 2011
Valor facial: 3 €uros
Diâmetro: 32 mm
Metal: Disc: 75% Cu, 25% Ni, Anel: 78% Cu, 20% Zn, 2% Ni
Qualidade: UNC
Peso: 15 gr.
Tiragem: 300000

This issue celebrates the 20th anniversary of Slovenia as an independent country.

Communist Yugoslavia was formed by Marshall Tito in 1945. He dealt with nationalist aspirations by creating a federation of six republics: Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia. But ethnic tensions where never far from the surface. Although the federation held together for 10 years after Tito's death in 1980, it fell apart rapidly after Slovenia's declaration of independence on June 25, 1991. 

Eslovénia - 3€ Capital Mundial do Livro


Ano: 2010
Valor facial: 3 €uros
Diâmetro: 32 mm
Metal: Disc: 75% Cu, 25% Ni, Anel: 78% Cu, 20% Zn, 2% Ni
Qualidade: UNC
Peso: 15 gr.
Tiragem: 300000

This issue celebrates Ljubljana as 2010 World Book Capital, as nominated by UNESCO.

World Book Capital is a title bestowed by UNESCO to a city in recognition of the quality of its programs to promote books and reading and the dedication of all players in the book industry. The designation runs from April 23 (UNESCO's World Book and Copyright Day) of one year until April 22 of the following year.

Eslovénia - 3€ 100º Aniversário do 1º voo a motor na Eslovénia

Ano: 2009
Valor facial: 3 €uros
Diâmetro: 32 mm
Metal: Disc: 75% Cu, 25% Ni, Anel: 78% Cu, 20% Zn, 2% Ni
Qualidade: UNC
Peso: 15 gr.
Tiragem: 300000

This issue celebrates the centenary of the first Slovenian powered flight.

Edvard Rusjan (1886–1911) was a Slovene aircraft constructor and aviator. His first flight was near Campagnuzza, Italy on November 25, 1909 in Eda I, a biplane of his own design. Rusjan died in Beograd during a promotional tour through Balkan cities when his airplane's wing broke during flight and he crashed into Kalemegdan hill.

The Maribor airport and asteroid 19633 Rusjan are named after him.

quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

Eslovénia - 3€ Presidência da União Europeia

Ano: 2008
Valor facial: 3 €uros
Diâmetro: 32 mm
Metal: Disc: 75% Cu, 25% Ni, Anel: 78% Cu, 20% Zn, 2% Ni
Qualidade: UNC
Peso: 15 gr.
Tiragem: 150000

First issued on January 3, this issue marks Slovenia's recent presidency of the European Union. It is the first Slovenian commemorative coin and also the first euro coin with a €3 denomination.

The EU Council Presidency of Member States was instituted by the Treaty establishing the European Community (the Treaty of Rome of 1957), which provides that Member States alternatively assume the function of president of the Council of Ministers for a period of six months.

In December 2004, the Council of the European Union decided that Slovenia would preside over the EU Council from January 1 to June 30, 2008. The presidency of the EU Council is an important political honor for Slovenia. In 2007, it became the first new Member State to adopt the euro, a process which proved to be fast and efficient. Slovenia will also be the first new Member State to serve as president. The presidency is confirmation that Slovenia is a country that Europe trusts and treats as a stable political institution capable of responsibly representing Europe on the international stage.

To mark Slovenia's presidency of the European Union, the Republic of Slovenia has issued collector coins with a "dynamic" EU star in the form of a windmill on the front side. The star represents Slovenia's initiative, movement, energy, volition, strength and active role during the EU presidency. Furthermore, the inscription on the coin "Facta loquuntur" (work speaks), indicates that the EU presidency will be geared to results and success. On the reverse, 27 dynamic stars represent the 27 EU Member States.

terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011

Austrália - 50c Royal Engagement

Ano: 2010
Valor facial: 5 cents
Diâmetro: 31,51 mm
Metal: Cuproníquel
Qualidade: UNC
Peso: 15,55gr.
Tiragem: Ilimitada
To fittingly commemorate this significant Commonwealth event, the Royal Australian Mint welcomes the honour and responsibility of producing the only official Australian coins celebrating both the engagement and marriage of HRH Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton.

domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011

Portugal - 5€ Justo D. João II

Ano: 2010
Valor facial: 5 €uros
Diâmetro: 30 mm
Metal: Cuproníquel
Qualidade: Normal
Peso: 14gr.
Tiragem: 150000 pçs

Como forma de promover a numismática portuguesa e os valores históricos, culturais e civilizacionais de Portugal, tanto no plano nacional como internacional, a INCM tem vindo a cunhar uma série de moedas integrantes da colecção denominada «Tesouros numismáticos portugueses». Esta colecção é composta por cinco moedas alusivas a alguns dos exemplares mais relevantes da numismática e da história portuguesas — quer pelo seu significado, quer pela sua raridade, das quais é parte integrante o Justo de D. João II.
Filho de D. Afonso V, subiu ao trono em 1481, sendo certo que exercia já há alguns anos o poder de facto. Com efeito, as frequentes ausências do reino, por parte de D. Afonso V, põem-lhe nas mãos o governo do país.

Desde 1474 que dirigia a política atlântica, devendo-se à sua visão de governante, apesar de não ter ainda vinte anos, a instituição do mare clausum, princípio que estabelecia que o domínio dos mares estava ligado ao seu descobrimento. Na linha dessa política surge o tratado de Toledo de 1480, em que D. João II aceitando a partilha das terras do Atlântico pelo paralelo das Canárias, afasta a concorrência da Espanha em África e protege a mais tarde chamada rota do Cabo. Durante o seu reinado toda a costa ocidental da África foi navegada, dobrou-se o Cabo da Boa Esperança e preparou-se por terra com as viagens de Pêro da Covilhã e Afonso de Paiva, a viagem de Vasco da Gama à índia, a que o monarca já não assistiria. Em 1494, assina-se o tratado de Tordesilhas, dividindo-se a terra em duas zonas de influência, a atribuir a Portugal e à Espanha. Dentro da zona de influência portuguesa ficava o Brasil, o que permite supor que o monarca tinha conhecimento da existência dessas terras.

No plano interno, a acção de João II orientou-se no sentido da centralização e fortalecimento do poder real, tendo reprimido duramente as conjuras dos nobres e abatido o poder das grandes casas do reino. De 1481 a 1485, são mortos ou presos D. Fernando, duque de Bragança, D. Diogo, duque de Viseu, D. Gutierres Coutinho, D. Pedro de Ataíde, Isaac Abravanel, D. Afonso, conde de Faro, D. Fernão da Silveira, Diogo Lourenço, Afonso Vaz, D. Álvaro, filho do duque de Bragança, Aires Pinto, bacharel João Afonso e José Abravanel. Tinha em grande conta a opinião dos povos, mas o seu conceito da autoridade real leva-o a só reunir cortes quatro vezes, durante o seu reinado. Quanto às relações externas, a sua actividade foi no sentido de criar laços de concórdia com os vários reinos, talvez com o intuito de se libertar de problemas que pusessem em dificuldades a política de expansão ultramarina. Alimentou o sonho de uma futura «monarquia ibérica», tendo conseguido contratar o casamento de seu filho D. Afonso com a primogénita dos Reis Católicos. A morte do infante veio, no entanto, deitar por terra estes planos. Manteve uma actividade diplomática intensa com vários países europeus, sendo de destacar a embaixada de Vasco de Lucena, enviada a Roma em 1485.

A última fase do reinado de D. João II está marcada pelo problema da sucessão do trono. Com a morte do infante D. Afonso, procura o rei habilitar ao trono o bastardo D. Jorge. No seu testamento, todavia, nomeia seu sucessor D. Manuel, irmão da rainha. Morre no Algarve em 1495, aceitando alguns historiadores a hipótese de ter sido envenenado.

domingo, 12 de junho de 2011

Ucrânia - Artesanato da Ucrânia

Ano: 2009
Valor facial: 5 Hryvnia
Diâmetro: 35 mm
Metal: Prata alemã
Qualidade: Normal
Peso: 16,5gr.
Tiragem: 45000 pçs

On the obverse of the coins there are depicted the Small Coat of Arms of Ukraine (above) with the conventionalized inscription НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ (National Bank of Ukraine) thereunder, conventionalized images of two birds in the centre and Carpathian landscapes to the left and to the right with spruces, cottages and logs; below there are the legends: on the German silver coin 5/ГРИВЕНЬ/2009 (5 hryvnias).
On the reverse of the coins there is depicted the figure of a bokorash with a tsapyna (pole) in the hands which is directing the raft downstream, on either side of him there are traditional Carpathian ornamental patterns; 

Ano: 2009
Valor facial: 5 Hryvnia
Diâmetro: 35 mm
Metal: Prata alemã
Qualidade: Normal
Peso: 16,5gr.
Tiragem: 45000 pçs
  On the obverse above there are the Small Coat of Arms of Ukraine and the conventionalized legend: НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ (National Bank of Ukraine) thereunder;in the centre there are depicted in a conventionalized manner two cockerels and (to the right and left of them) products of the cartwright craft - carts, yokes, wheels, sledges, yoke locking pins.The ornamental central part of the obverse contains the following legend: 5/ГРИВЕНЬ/2009. 
On the reverse there is depicted a woodcraftsman hewing wood to make a cart detail. Above, against the background of a conventionalized board, there is the legend СТЕЛЬМАХ (Cartwright). To the left and right of the central composition there are ornamental patterns.

Ano: 2010
Valor facial: 5 Hryvnia
Diâmetro: 35 mm
Metal: Prata alemã
Qualidade: Normal
Peso: 16,5gr.
Tiragem: 45000 pçs

Obverse: above there are the Small Coat of Arms of Ukraine and the conventionalized legend: НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ (National Bank of Ukraine) thereunder;in the centre there are depicted in a conventionalized manner two cockerels and (to the left of them) the spinning wheel, and (to the right) - weaving products; below there are the legends: 5/ГРИВЕНЬ/2010together with the National Bank of Ukraine Mint logo.
Reverse: there is depicted a woman working at the loom. Above, against the background of a conventionalized linen, there is the legend ТКАЛЯ (woman weaver).To the left and right of the central composition there are ornamental flower patterns.

Ano: 2010
Valor facial: 5 Hryvnia
Diâmetro: 35 mm
Metal: Prata alemã
Qualidade: Normal
Peso: 16,5gr.
Tiragem: 45000 pçs

Obverse: above there are the Small Coat of Arms of Ukraine and the conventionalized legend: НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ (National Bank of Ukraine) there under; in the centre there are depicted in a conventionalized manner two little birds and (to the left and right of them) different potteries; below there are the legends:5/ГРИВЕНЬ/2010 together with the National Bank of Ukraine Mint logo.
Reverse: there is depicted a potter at work against the background of conventionalized potteries. Above, there is the legend ГОНЧАР (potter).To the left and right of the central composition there are ornamental flower patterns.

Portugal - 1,50€ Moeda Contra a Fome

Ano: 2010
Valor facial: 1,5€ Euros
Diâmetro: 26,5 mm
Metal: Cuproníquel
Qualidade: Normal
Peso: 8gr.
Tiragem: 100000 pçs

A emissão desta moeda pretende homenagear a acção dos Bancos Alimentares contra a Fome. A moeda apresenta no anverso, a representação de duas mãos a pegar no escudo, sendo visível no campo inferior o valor facial, o ano de emissão, o valor facial e a legenda do Estado emissor “Portugal”. No reverso, e sob a forma de dois círculos concêntricos são visíveis diversos conjuntos de mãos simbolizando a distribuição de alimentos. No campo direito surge a legenda “Banco alimentar contra a fome”.
Como não poderia deixar de ser, é importante divulgar este género de associações que lutam para conseguir alimentos e bens essenciais para os mais carenciados.
Aproveitar onde sobra para distribuir onde falta. É este o nosso objectivo: evitar o desperdício de alimentos fazendo-os chegar às pessoas que têm fome. O Banco Alimentar recebe toda a qualidade de géneros alimentares, ofertas de empresas e particulares, em muitos casos excedentes de produção da indústria agroalimentar, excedentes agrícolas e da grande distribuição, e ainda produtos de intervenção da União Europeia.

segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

Polónia - Pintores Polacos dos séculos XIX e XX

Valor facial: 2 zl
Diâmetro: 27 mm
Metal: CuAl5Zn5Sn1
Qualidade: Normal
Peso: 8,15gr.

Jan Matejko
Ano: 2002
Tiragem: 700000

Jacek Malczewski (1854-1929)
Ano: 2003
Tiragem: 600000

Stanisław Wyspiański (1869-1907)
Ano: 2004
Tiragem: 850000

Tadeusz Makowski (1882 - 1932)
Ano: 2005
Tiragem: 900000

Aleksander Gierymski (1850-1901)
Ano: 2006
Tiragem: 1000000

Leon Wyczółkowski (1852-1936)
Ano: 2007
Tiragem: 990000


Władysław Strzemiński (1893-1952)
Ano: 2009
Tiragem: 1300000

Artur Grottger
Ano: 2010
Tiragem: 1300000

Zofia Stryjeńsk
Ano: 2011
Tiragem: 1000000

quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2011

Áustria - 25 Euro Robotik

Ano: 2011
Valor facial: 25 Euros
Diâmetro: 34 mm
Metal: 900/1000 Ag & 6,5gr Niob
Qualidade: proof
Peso: 16,5gr.
Tiragem: 65000 pçs

O reverso da moeda retrata uma versão modificada do Homem Vitruviano de Leonardo da Vinci, em que um robô tipifica ideais das proporções humanas em vez do corpo humano. A metade inferior da moeda retrata um código binário para a codificação digital de informações, bem como de três rodas dentadas. Estas ilustrações simbolizam a cooperação entre a eletrônica e a mecânica, que é fundamental no mundo da robótica.

Do outro lado uma paisagem marciana com uma cordilheira, crateras e rochas no núcleo nióbio avermelhado. Em primeiro plano um robô perfura e explora o sistema do planeta vermelho. No anel exterior prateado surge um céu estrelado em que a terra pode ser vista à direita, onde o anel de núcleo e a prata de nióbio mostram um sistema de coordenação. O mars rover em moeda baseia-se num projecto da Agência Espacial Europeia (c) ESA - AOES Medialab.

segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011

Polónia - 20 zl Monumentos históricos da República da Polónia - Krzeszów

Ano: 2010
Valor facial: 20 zl
Diâmetro: 38,61 mm
Metal: 925/1000 Ag (elemento cerâmico)
Qualidade: proof
Peso: 28,28gr.
Tiragem: 50000 pçs

Obverse: In the centre, a stylised image of the sculpture of Sacred Immaculate Mary, placed above the main portal of the Minor Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Krzeszow. In the background, the interior of the Basilica. On the right, an image of the Eagle established as the State emblem of the Republic of Poland. Above the Eagle, an inscription: ZŁ20. At the bottom, a semicircular notation of the year of issue: 2010 and an inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA (Republic of Poland). The Mint’s mark, M/W, under the Eagle’s left leg.

Reverse: A stylised image of the facade of the Minor Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Krzeszow. The middle part of the image made from ceramics. At the bottom, a stylised inscription: KRZESZÓW.

Coin designer: Robert Kotowicz

Polónia - 10 zl História da Música Popular polaca: Czesław Niemen

Ano: 2009
Valor facial: 10 zl
Diâmetro: 28,20X28,20 mm
Metal: 925/1000 Ag
Qualidade: proof
Peso: 14,14gr.
Tiragem: 100000 pçs

Obverse: At the bottom and on the right-hand side, an image of the Eagle,
established as the State Emblem of the Republic of Poland. At the top and
on the right-hand side, the notation of the year of issue, 2009. In the centre,
an image of the portrait of Czesław Niemen. On the left-hand side, a perpendicular inscription, NIEMEN/CZESŁAW. Next to it, the word RZECZPOSPOLITA, inscribed perpendicularly in an opposite direction. At the bottom and on the left-hand side, an inscription, POLSKA 10 Zł. The Mint’s mark, M/W, under the Eagle’s left leg.

Reverse: A stylized image of the cover of the album entitled “Katharsis”,
featuring the crying woman who buried face in her hands. At the top a visible
inscription on the album cover, N.AE./ KATHARS IS. On the left-hand side,
a perpendicular inscription, HISTORIA POLSKIEJ, against the album cover.
At the bottom, an inscription, MUZYKI ROZRY WKOWEJ, against the album cover.

Coin designer: Robert Kotowicz

Polónia - 10 zl 65º Aniversário da libertação de KL Auschwitz-Birkenau

Ano: 2010
Valor facial: 10 zl
Diâmetro: 32 mm
Metal: 925/1000 Ag
Qualidade: proof
Peso: 14,14gr.
Tiragem: 80000 pçs

Obverse: At the top a stylized image of the inscription over the entrance gate
to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp: ARBEIT MACHT FREI /work makes you free/. Below, against the background of the camp buildings, a stylized image of a fragment of a fence post and barbed wire. On the right hand side the image of the Eagle, established as the state emblem of the Republic of Poland. Under the Eagle, the notation of the year of issue: 2010. Below an inscription: ZŁ10. On the left side, an inscription: 65./ROCZNICA /65th anniversary/. In the rim inscriptions: OSWOBODZENIA KL AUSCHWITZ-/BIRKENAU /of the liberation of KL Auschwitz- Birkenau/ and in the opposite direction: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA /Republic of Poland/. The Mint’s mark: M/W, under the Eagle’s left leg.

Reverse: In the centre an image of the bust of Witold Pilecki, in striped prison
uniform, against the background of a stylized image of the fence of the concentration camp and a fragment of a watchtower. On the left an inscription: WITOLD/PILECKI. At the bottom an inscription: KL Auschwitz/4859. In the rim an inscription: TWÓRCA ZWIĄZKU ORGANIZACJI WOJSKOWEJ /the founder of the Union of Military Organization/.

Coin designer: Robert Kotowicz

Polónia - 10 zl 90º Aniversário da Fundação da Câmara do Controlo Supremo

Ano: 2009
Valor facial: 10 zl
Diâmetro: 32 mm
Metal: 925/1000 Ag (halograma)
Qualidade: proof
Peso: 14,14gr.
Tiragem: 100000 pçs

Obverse: At the top, an image of the Eagle established as the State Emblem of the Republic of Poland. On the left side of the Eagle, an inscription, 10. On the right side of the Eagle, an inscription, ZŁ. Below the Eagle, an oval hologram with a stylized image of the NIK logo, that changes colour depending on the viewing angle. Surrounding the hologram are some decorative elements. In the rim, a semicircular inscription, RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA, and the notation of the year of issue, 2009. The Mint’s mark, M/W, under the Eagle’s left leg.
Reverse: In the centre, a stylized image of the present head office of the Supreme Chamber of Control. Below the image, an inscription, 1919-2009. At the top, a semicircular inscription, 90. ROCZNICA/UTWORZENIA. At the bottom, a semicircular inscription, NAJWYŻSZEJ/IZBY KONTROLI.

Coin designer: Urszula Walerzak

Polónia - 10 zl 450 º Aniversário dos Correios Polacos

Ano: 2008
Valor facial: 10 zl
Diâmetro: 32 mm
Metal: 925/1000 Ag (halograma)
Qualidade: proof
Peso: 14,14gr.
Tiragem: 135000 pçs

Obverse: At the top on the right-hand side, an image of the Eagle established as the state emblem of the Republic of Poland. In the central part, a stylized image of a post stamp depicting stylized images of a mounted post rider on horse playing the trumpet and of trees, changing colours depending on the tilt angle. In the background of the post stamp, a stylized image of a postal map and on the right-hand side a fragment of an image of a coach clock. On the left-hand side an inscription: 10/ZŁ. Below the inscription, vertically, the notation of the year of issue: 2008. At the bottom an inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA /POLSKA. The Mint’s mark, M/W, under the Eagle’s left leg.

Reverse: In the central part a stylized image of a 16th century post courier. In the background a stylized fragment of a 17th century engraved copperplate with an image of an inn. At the bottom on the left-hand side an inscription: 450/LAT (450th anniversary). Below, a stylized image of a postal trumpet. On the left-hand side and at the top a circumscription: POCZTY POLSKIEJ (of the Polish Post).

Coin designer: ROBERT KOTOWICZ

Polónia - 10 zl XXIX Jogos Olimpicos - Beijing 2008

Ano: 2008
Valor facial: 10 zl
Diâmetro: 32 mm
Metal: 925/1000 Ag & 1000/1000 Au - Esfera
Qualidade: proof
Peso: 14,14gr.
Tiragem: 140000 pçs

Obverse: Below an image of the Eagle established as the State Emblem of the
Republic of Poland. At the sides of the Eagle the notation of the year issue, 20-08. In the central part a golden sphere with the stylised image of Chinese ornament against the background of a stylised image of the dragon from the Nine Dragons Wall. A semicircular inscription above, RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA, below on the right-hand side an inscription, 10/ZŁ. The Mint’s mark under the Eagle’s left leg: M/W.

Reverse: In the central part of the coin a golden sphere with a stylised Polish
Olympic Committee logo against of a background of the stylised image of water. Above the sphere a stylised image of the crawl swimmer. Below the sphere an inscription, Beijing / 2008. In the rim an inscription, POLSKA REPREZENTACJA OLIMPIJSKA (Polish Olympic Representation).

Coin designer: Robert Kotowicz

Polónia - 10 zl SYBIRACY (exilo Siberiano)


Ano: 2008
Valor facial: 10 zl
Diâmetro: 32 mm
Metal: anel 925/1000 Ag (zirconium)
Qualidade: proof
Peso: 14,14gr.
Tiragem: 135000 pçs

OBVERSE: On the left-hand side, an image of the Eagle established
as the State Emblem of the Republic of Poland. In the central
part and on the right-hand side, the images of human figures.
On the right-hand side, a diagonal inscription, … byliÊmy tΠumem
bezimiennym (… we were a nameless crowd). At the bottom, on
the right-hand side, an inscription, 10 Z¸. On the left-hand side
and at the top, in the rim, a semicircular inscription,
RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA, and the notation of the year of issue,
2008. The Mint’s mark, MW, under the Eagle’s left leg.

REVERSE: In the central part, an inscription, SYBIRACY (Siberian
exiles). In the background, a stylised image of the woods and its
reflection. At the bottom, a zirconia stone.