
segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011

Polónia - 10 zl 65º Aniversário da libertação de KL Auschwitz-Birkenau

Ano: 2010
Valor facial: 10 zl
Diâmetro: 32 mm
Metal: 925/1000 Ag
Qualidade: proof
Peso: 14,14gr.
Tiragem: 80000 pçs

Obverse: At the top a stylized image of the inscription over the entrance gate
to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp: ARBEIT MACHT FREI /work makes you free/. Below, against the background of the camp buildings, a stylized image of a fragment of a fence post and barbed wire. On the right hand side the image of the Eagle, established as the state emblem of the Republic of Poland. Under the Eagle, the notation of the year of issue: 2010. Below an inscription: ZŁ10. On the left side, an inscription: 65./ROCZNICA /65th anniversary/. In the rim inscriptions: OSWOBODZENIA KL AUSCHWITZ-/BIRKENAU /of the liberation of KL Auschwitz- Birkenau/ and in the opposite direction: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA /Republic of Poland/. The Mint’s mark: M/W, under the Eagle’s left leg.

Reverse: In the centre an image of the bust of Witold Pilecki, in striped prison
uniform, against the background of a stylized image of the fence of the concentration camp and a fragment of a watchtower. On the left an inscription: WITOLD/PILECKI. At the bottom an inscription: KL Auschwitz/4859. In the rim an inscription: TWÓRCA ZWIĄZKU ORGANIZACJI WOJSKOWEJ /the founder of the Union of Military Organization/.

Coin designer: Robert Kotowicz

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